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  • Stellar Sarah

Astronomy is Cool!

Six years ago, I had two toddlers who were very hungry for knowledge. One learned a song about planets at preschool and was desperate for more.

A quick YouTube search introduced us to some catchy tunes (I’ll write about those soon!), and there was no looking back. We spent years diving deeply into anything spacey we could get our hands on.

Four years ago, I realized that I was just as much of a space nut as my kids were. This led me to go back to school in the middle of 2020 with the goal of an Astronomy degree.

I already had a degree in Psychology and a career in marketing and public relations, but seeing as that was the year that shook all our lives up, I decided, why not!

Over the years, I’ve found a lot of space-related resources that others are sure to find useful. So I thought, why not gather them in one place for others to find?

This website is about Astronomy, yes, and about sharing some super stellar resources. I hope this site inspires your kids, your students, and YOU to learn more about our most stellar universe!


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